Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Morning Confession

Confession: I don't always go  straight to work.  On days when I don't have a 9 o'clock meeting, I go to my local green-branded coffee shop, where The Barista knows what I want and gets it for me with a smile. I watch people passing through on their way to and from work or the gym. I do what I want to do, within the limits of a cafe table, my MacBook Air and a decent wifi connection. I set my own priorities for a moment, and push the clock into the background. I act like there's no pressure.

This morning, I am seriously pondering not going to work at all. In my LA fantasy, I just drive to the mountains and breathe for a few minutes. Maybe I drive up to the snow line and feel the sharp breeze. We'll see. Don't rule it out. Life is precious.

I love the mountains, and that's where I spent my afternoon. Funny how a few trees and some snow can make me smile.

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